akami GmbH & Co KG Apps

Pharmacy 3.97
Welcome to mycare.de, your german Android-Pharmacy. Mobile accesstoattractive pharmacy prices. "Pharmacy" enables you tocomfortabelyand inexpensively order medicaments and save up to 50%RRP onnonprescription medicaments. Through a simple menu you cando thisin a few steps - from comfortable searching with lotsofproductinformations and package information sheets topurchasing.Free shipping to every delivery adress in germany (forstandarddelivery). Safe and fast. With circa 70.000 Shop-Products,you canchoose from a drugstore range of goods with drugs, cosmeticsandhealth products. Registered customers can save extra moneythroughthe mycare-loyalty bonus. This App uses the searchtechnology ofFINDOLOGIC. Through the intelligent search solutionfrom FINDOLOGICto more sales for online shipping. new in Version2.0: -Takingmanagement for Webshopitems